Happy to Color Outside the Lines!

About “Crazy Crayons”

“Crazy Crayons” is a celebration of my life.  It is a place to share all facets of my little spot of the world…the slightly unusual, unconventional and not always approved of facets that I am so grateful to have.

There isn’t much that we do that is considered mainstream, but I never intended for it to be that way. Despite my attempts to simply “blend in”, I have realized the beauty in coloring outside the lines…making your own masterpiece.

This blog is not dedicated to any one topic, and I hope that it stays that way. Unschooling, Marriage, Urban Homesteading, Local Shopping and Eating, Natural Healing, and just the overall adventure that raising three kids in a little apartment can bring will likely be the focus, but I hope that discussion will come from many directions.

Here’s to creating something beautiful.

Comments on: "About “Crazy Crayons”" (2)

  1. Please identify sources of one-gallon jars (and lids) in Fresno or best online source, although I fear shipping glass. Thanks.

    • I don’t use gallon jars for any of my canning or pickling. 🙂 You can get half gallon jars at most Ace hardware locations (or they can order them in for you) but I stick to pint and quart jars so that they fit in my canner. 🙂

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